DJ Table Specifications

To help select a DJ desk that will fit all your equipment we have listed our Deck stands with their specifications in size order.

Product ID / Price Size Max Mixer/space width when using Storage
Hover below to see
product images
W D H 1210's
@ 460 ea x2
1210's battle-mode
@ 360 ea x2
@ 320 ea x2
Record's CD's Amp's or  Record box
DSCD£ 242 1038 400 930 x x 390 x 156 yes or 58 CD's x
D1£   188 1240 410 820 320 x 600 x x x yes
D1B£ 202 1240 500 920 320 520 600 x x x yes
DS1000£ 314 1305 480 920 385 585 665 600 x yes or 145 Records x
DS2£ 305 1314 480 920 394 594 674 370 200 yes or 145 Records x
DS2£ 305
Middle CD Shelf Removed
1314 480 920 394 594 674 580 66 yes or 145 Records x
DS1£ 299 1440 480 920 520 720 800 500 x yes or 145 Records yes
DS1C£ 400 1440 480 1320 464 664 744 500 x yes or 145 Records yes
PD1£ 630 1675 600 1380 desk 605 805 885 220 58 yes or 145 Records yes
bridge 632 n/a 912
PD1M£ 846 1675 600 1380 desk 605 805 885 220 58 yes or 145 Records yes
bridge 632 n/a 912
DS2000£ 538 1986 480 920 1066 1266 1346 1000 x yes or 145 Records x
426 & 2xCDJ's 626 & 2xCDJ's 426 & 2x1210's
SD£ 409 varies 520 varies 484 484 484 x x x x
SD+DS1£ 708 varies 520 varies 484 484 484 500 x yes or 145 Records yes

If you wish to add desk top CDJ, Laptop, Monitor & Speaker stands:

  • CHROME – A range of adjustable chrome desk top stands, CDJ standsLaptop stand and Speaker stands. These chrome stands do not use any desk space (width) as they are custom fit behind the decks and mixer, we can also manufacture LCD monitor stands in chrome, adding these chrome stands will delay dispatch.
  1. 1210’s on main desk + MDF stands: Sets 1-9
  2. 1210’s in battle mode on main desk + MDF stands: Sets 10-19 (DS2000 sets 10-19 have 1210’s + CDJ’s on main desk)
  3. CDJ’s on main desk + MDF stands: Sets 20-29
Select a set, the picture and price will change to that set, the max mixer width is also displayed, you can then use the up and down cursor keys to scroll through the sets.


If you are unsure feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements.
If you can’t find what you are looking for then we can custom build it for you. contact us.